What is Typical Chest Pain- And What’s Abnormal?

March 30, 2021
5 min read

Chest pain is a scary symptom to experience. Chest pain is often a “red flag” symptom for patients, whether you have a heart condition or are experiencing it for the first time. It’s important to know the difference between typical chest pain and pain that could need emergency care. In this article, we will explain what typical chest pain is, when you should seek help, and which symptoms to keep an eye out for.

What is Typical Chest Pain?

Firstly, it’s important to remember that there are many different parts of the chest. This area has plenty of muscle tissues, plus it is close to joints and tendons in the arms and shoulders. If you have chest pain but don’t have other cardiac symptoms, then you might be dealing with a pulled muscle.Typical chest pain from overuse or an injury usually has a clear cause, like an accident or a tough workout session. It also tends to get better with rest. Pain from acid reflux or stomach issues is also generally considered normal.

Atypical Chest Pain

Generally speaking, heart-related chest pain is considered a reason to call your doctor. This chest pain might be a stabbing, squeezing, or crushing sensation. It might also feel less like pain and more like pressure or general discomfort. Chest pain might come on suddenly, or it might start suddenly, disappear, and then come back.

Is My Chest Pain an Emergency?

Chest pain might require emergency care. If the pain is severe, then seek help right away. You should also get emergency help if your pain comes with weakness, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, and/or chest tightening. Finally, if you are at risk for heart diseases, then seek emergency care. This includes patients who are over the age of 40, have a family history of heart disease, or have other high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or other related illnesses.

Talk to a Cardiologist

Don’t wait for an emergency to check on your heart health. At Northwest Cardiovascular, we help patients manage their heart health for life. Whether you have heart disease, risk factors, or just want to check up on your health, give us a call. We will assess your heart health and give you targeted solutions to stay healthy.

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